I Marie Kondo-d My Wadrobe, Now What?

Common Capsule
3 min readNov 20, 2020

This year seems to have everything but time.

Remember that stack of books you were planning to read? How’s that going?

I remember talking to someone and they told me, “This year was so long I got in and out of shape.” Does this sound familiar to you?

In that case, here’s another thing you might want to add to the to-do list as this year edges closer to an abrupt but final end. Even with the weight of the pandemic looming over us, let’s do our best to bust out the cheer and celebrate this festive season.

If you spent the last few months on a running streak of organisation shows from platforms like Netflix, here’s the sign you’ve been looking for.

Get to it sis, clear that wardrobe, dust out that old pair of yoga pants that you haven’t worn in almost forever.

If you feel kinda lost or stuck here are a few guiding questions to help you make the most of your year-end spring clean.

Have your essential items in your closet? Great! Now it’s time to set aside the rest.

What exactly can you do with the clothes you no longer wear? Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to figure out where your clothes can go!

Value-Based: Does it have sentimental value, if so, can you upcycle it into art? Yes! Add a frame to make it into a hanging piece of art! We tagged some inspiration below, up to your living space with things you already own! Or make it into a quilt, you’ll be the only one to have it.

Time-based: Purchasing habits of our shoppers are completely pre-determined. And an average female shopper will shop the same way from the ages 18 and up.

This means most of the stuff you have yet to wear because you bought it in the spur of the moment will likely never be worn. Period.

Perhaps it’s time to let it go. Give it to a girlfriend or host a swap party with your gang, you’ll never know what you might find in your best friend’s closet…

Recycling, does it do anything?

Organisations in Singapore like GreenSquare support the recycling of fabric, garments and cloth. They help to recycle unwanted textiles and reduce waste in Singapore.

Need a Quick Buck? Hold up…

Selling online has been made easier with the rise of online thrift stores — Refash, The Kint Story, Fashion Pulpit are just a few examples.

Wait! Where do the unsold items go if not the landfill? Although getting rid of old items has never been easier but you should probably think really hard before you sell.

You could style up these items for upcycling as well! Upcycling is a fun, cheap way to recycle your clothes for longer wear.

Where do my donated clothes really go?

The Salvation Army isn’t a bottomless pit. They have finite resources and in reality, 90% of our “donations” are not resold or reused and are instead are on a one-way trip straight to Semakau Landfill. This cycle of consuming and wasting needs to end.

What else do you do with your pre-loved items?

Share them with us!



Common Capsule

Consuming fashion for the long-term. Articles on sustainable fashion, lifestyle and beauty. Based in Singapore.